Empowering the future! 14 SheCanCODE participants gain valuable Scrum skills thanks to a partnership
We are looking for a dynamic and skilled Admission, Student Success, and Communications Officer to j
Community Initiatives
Igire Rwanda Organization, through its SheCanCODE Bootcamp, recently carried out an inspiring commun
Igire Rwanda
Igire Rwanda Organization's team received certification training on SCRUM as part of a long-term par
Igire Rwanda
As Igire Rwanda Organization and SheCanCODE Bootcamp, we are beyond excited to be part of the transf
Follow Elyse Umugabe's journey as she transforms from a novice to a skilled software tester, thanks
The story of Lydia INGABIRE, a seasoned programmer and how she joined and gained from Mobile Program
Kamikazi Deborah's testimony and how she transformed from a girl who knew nothing about coding to ge
Testimony of Vanessa Icyeza, a Full-stack Software Developer who graduated from a 16-week coding boo
On boarding
More information about how to submit your payment for the program fee of the Web Development Fundame
Life at SheCanCODE
A group of our students and staff had an inspiring dinner with Ambassador Einat Weiss of Israel to R
Life at SheCanCODE
SheCanCODE Trainees celebrated International Women's Day by showcasing outstanding the outstanding s
Life at SheCanCODE
🎉 What an incredible day at our campus! We had the honor of hosting Ambassador Einat Weiss of Israe
On this Friday, June 21, SheCanCODE, under Igire Rwanda Organization graduated and delivered another
Life at SheCanCODE
How and what our trainees learned in a special session on embracing the entrepreneurial spirit withi
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